In a shocking turn of events, the legendary country music icon Garth Brooks has announced his retirement from the music industry, citing a growing feeling of...
Taylor Swift on Friday kicks off the first of three sold-out nights at the Aviva Stadium as The Eras Tour comes to Dublin. She is the...
Camila Cabello is opening up about her relationship with Taylor Swift! The two stars have been friends for years, and the 27-year-old “I Luv It” singer...
Taylor Swift has received a sentimental piece of jewelry from her close friend Gigi Hadid. The 34-year-old pop star — who is dating Kansas City Chiefs...
Exciting news for a Friday evening: Taylor Swift has just made a mark in Australian music history by achieving the record for the most No 1...
In 2023, former competitive swimmer Lia Thomas “begged” for a tryout for the 2024 Olympics after being issued a lifetime ban On Oct. 29, 2023, SpaceXMania...
Pop superstar Taylor Swift and NFL star Travis Kelce have been rumored to be dating for months now, and it seems that things are getting serious...
In a move that has sent ripples across the entertainment industry, Warner Bros. has reportedly severed its $50 million production deal with acclaimed director Rob Reiner....
In the constantly shifting realm of television, Sarah Gilbert’s recent overture to Roseanne Barr for her new CBS project has sparked a complex debate, reflecting the...
LOVER Travis Kelce proudly declared his love for Taylor Swift as he gushed over the ‘cool’ singer and insisted he would never try to hide their...